Deep Soul Rest

Dear Yogi,

We have been working on this new offering for the past year and we are now rolling it out for the first time. Through Deep Soul Rest, we aim to elevate your yogic experience to a new level.

We bring you decades of combined experience and studies – Jonathan as a professional musician, practicing yogi, and meditation facilitator, and Octavia as a dedicated practitioner and teacher of yoga, a Vedic chanting expert, and experienced Yoga Nidra facilitator. Since 2016, you explored the deeply restorative and restful effects of sonic vibrations in our advanced sound baths and more profound practices like Yoga Nidra.

We have been experimenting with the depth of being in raised vibrations longer than the norm, and the results have been amazing. In this prolonged and conscious change in vibration, the practitioner can explore the subconscious or causal mind and truly examine old patterns they wish to modify or release.

This is how the idea for Deep Soul Rest was born.

The neuroscience of music and singing confirms that music has profound effects on emotions, brainwaves, breath patterns, and more. Science also tells us that deep rest practices induce states of deeper awareness that positively impact practitioners’ physical and mental well-being.

To “be still” is to interrupt the inertia of unconscious patterns, and sound and frequency can aid that process. The body responds to the potent rest by re-calibrating the nervous system for longer-lasting effects of contentment, wholesomeness, and ultimately a lowered baseline of stress.

So, this monthly offering is longer, richer, more encompassing, and consistent.

Elements: Restorative movement, mantra chanting, stillness practices, sound immersion, 30-minute Yoga Nidra or deeper state of awareness, and Kirtan rooted in our music creation. ***Please join us for Joyful Teatime after the immersion***


Octavia and Jonathan

Octavia Nasr

Octavia Nasr's yoga practice began seventeen years ago and has been evolving since. Her dedication is expressed through a daily sadhana that includes asana (poses), pranayama (breathing exercises) and meditation. She considers yoga to be a gift of peace and non-harming that has nurtured her when she was consumed by a high profile job, and through every thick and thin of life to date.


Happy Autumn to you and yours!!